It is no secret that I am a planner, an organizer, and a little over eager to track down that golden recipe for success. Vaunted is getting ready to go to Virginia Horse Trials and run the Intermediate. He is all clipped and ready to see that VA Horse Center sign. I can not count how many times I have hauled that horse into the horse center of the great state of Virginia. Most people have that one place that they really, for whatever strange reason, just can't make the stars align right. For me that is VAHT. I have no idea why...3 young rider stints, so many horse shows on so many horses, not to mention the jumper shows, clinics, and xc schools that I have been to at the great VA horse center, some odd component always comes up. Be it almost running out of gas getting there to getting lost on course to missing the exit...good golly miss molly. Any who, Vaunted and I are very excited to get back and give it another go. If at first you don't succeed-- just keep living the dream.
Vaunted feels great and is very sad to have not gone to a three day t
his fall but I knew that, while it could be done and he was sound and ready to go, getting him fit and happy the way that I wanted to for a three day was just not a good horsemanship decision. He ran at Plantation in the prelim. I just let him go out and have a bit of fun, no stress, to real kicking on my part, and it was great to have him with me. Andrea, Will's groom, was still with Nevada Bay on his way back from England, so Will and I had to wrangle 7 horses together. It was a bit crazy. So much so that I even sprayed myself with Wrap Last...not on purpose, it was an accident and let me tell you it sucked. So Will tells me to go get some milk. With my face on fire and actual tears falling from my eyes I run up to the food stand and no milk...just half and half. So Will poured half and half on my face to keep me from literally jumping into the water tank. A picture was taken and yet another horse show story was born!

A moment must be given to something much less comical. The loss of Jennifer Simmons horse at Fair Hill was tragic and my heart aches for her and all that loved that great horse J.B. She had an amazing relationship with him and it is sad time for her. I am wishing her the best and know that the future will bring her great things. It has been said many times before and I will continue to say it...us Eventer are a true FAMILY. I can not express how great it is to get out of the truck after a 15 hour drive and see a face that you have not seen in months and carry on like you just sat with them for that 15 hours. While we are all competitors and looking to get our next meal, we really all have 2 things in common at all times, we want the best for our horses and we want to see everyone come across all finish lines safe. I also want to give a large high five to all that went to Holland last week. Doug, Sinead, Will, and Tiana did an amazing job and it was awesome to hear how positive and educational the trip was for both horses and riders. Education was the purpose of this trip and it sounds like everyone had a great time.
Next on this weeks bulletin is the SOUTHERN MIGRATION! Will and I are looking for a few more horses to bring down south with us. If you are thinking of selling your horse, just want it tuned up for the spring competition season for you, or would like to get the ball rolling on your horses training, we can handle it all! Please feel free to email me or call with any questions. Most people think that sending a horse south is more expensive but it doesn't have to be, so please feel free to give me a shout! Here is to a great VAHT!--I'm packing an extra 4leaf clover just in case. :)